We specialize in fleet and fuel management services. We a also offer different units for sale that includes tracking devices, fuel monitoring devices for diesel tanks and bowsers, dash cameras and others.
  • D-Tracking units
  • D-Camera Monitoring
  • D-fuel Monitoring
  • Chilli Pepper Protection units
  • Ajax security systems


Our Services

For the individual

With the mobile app you can set a notification for when your vehicle moves

Have your vehicle trips in a printable format for SARS at Business Year End

Have the power in your hands to immobilise your vehicle via SMS if it was hi-jacked or parked in a suspecious area

For the fleet owner

Follow your fuel from delivery to your dispensary all the way to when the vehicle uses it.

Have your vehicle trips in a printable format for SARS at Business Year End

Daily, weekly, monthly reports can be created at the push of a button. Even the company that needs something different, custom reports can be built in the software.

Who was at fault?

Accidents can cost companies a lot of money in damages and hours wasted, especially when the accident is fatal. Having a camera on board has saved many companies big lawsuits. Do you have Vehicle cameras installed?

DPepper Security

Secure your home, business and assets with Ajax wireless alarms. The worlds most aesthetically pleasing alarm and home automation solution in the palm of your hand. Deter criminals with our bespoke pepper dispersing systems. The instant solution to send looters and robbers packing, long before the cops get ther

Live fuel monitoring

When it comes to managing your company fuel bill there is no better way than to monitor the fuel levels live in each vehicle. At the current rate the price of fuel is going at a fuel monitoring system pays for it self

Remote controlled

When your fuel dispensary is off site and you have no one to check levels instantly. The best is to get the Digit FMS fuel monitoring system that updates you every 4 minutes on fuel levels and only allows fuel to flow through the pump once the driver is identified.

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